Thursday, January 4, 2018


Joseph Herrin (01-04-2018)

The past days have been very hectic as I have been tying up loose ends and visiting with old friends. A few days ago I spoke with an old friend whom I have known since I was first starting out in ministry. Glen Pickren wrote the introduction to my autobiography, Evidence of Things Unseen. Glen has been struggling with Parkinsons for some time, and for other reasons is now considering selling his home in Northern California and moving out toward the Eastern United States. It was good to talk with him, though I think we got the idea that talking in the morning is better for both of us. We both are rather difficult to understand in the evenings. My stroke causes me some disability in the evenings. Words become harder to find, though I am able to receive other people’s conversations fine. I think it is a lack of creativity in the evenings. I find it very hard to comment on conversations, though I can say “Um hm, yes, no, etc..”

Yesterday I had a tremendous surprise. Mr. Stanfield, an old friend from Macon, Georgia called to say hello and to invite me to lunch. It turned out that he was coming down my way to see an insurance man in a town nearby. Mr Stanfield is a Christian gentleman that I truly did not know if he were still alive. Yesterday I learned that he is now 92, and will soon be 93. Our conversation went better than a couple of nights before, although Mr. Stanfield is very hard of hearing. He didn’t realize I had a stroke until I told him right before I left. He grew up down in South Georgia close to where my father’s family is. He still goes down there quite often, and he met one of my uncles, aunts and cousins a few years back. If you like hearing about the old days long before there were computers, cell phones, and electronic games you would like hearing from Mr. Stanfield. He is a good story teller, and those were days when things were much slower. People were in better shape back then, also. It was not unusual for young guys to run 20 or more miles. This is something that Mr. Stanfield assures me that he and his brother did. He ran all the way to the Army recruiters office with his brother, and he enlisted while he was underage. It was World War II.

Saturday I am meeting with another friend who is my age. Joachim Boes is a German transplant to this country. He lives up in the Atlanta region of the state. He has been so busy last year that he was not been able to come see me. I can usually count on seeing him every 4 months, or so. His place of work has been so busy, he has been flying all over the world (so it seems), and they have kept him running. He tells me that strength and stamina are beginning to wane, something I can definitely attest to. George Young is going to go see him with me. We are meeting at a Panera in Warner Robins. I would like to take him to the local Mennonite coffee shop, but it is closed weekends.

George and I had a different type of meeting today. About 1:00 P.M. a technician called to make some repairs on his printer. The technician called me, since the printer was purchased in my name. I met him and took him over to George’s house. The print was looking very degraded on the printer. The technician knew what the problem was and took care of it, though it took him nearly two hours. I spent another 1-1/2 hours talking to George. I look forward soon to be able to talk to you about the same thing.

I had planned on posting a blog already, but visits with old friends are hard to sacrifice, so it is a bit later. Besides the visits I have had other things to take care of lately. I had my shower spring a leak. It was in such a tight place, and my right hand isn’t as precise or strong since the stroke, that I was only able to find the source of the leak and then I called Nicholas to come help me with it. Nicholas works right up the street about 2 miles, where my daughter works. He was glad to come over take care of it for me. We had a good talk also. He has been reading the book Bruchko. It is a wonderful missionary book. We got into some good conversation over missionary work. Nicholas really has a heart for it.

I want you to know that I am staying busy, and I look forward to writing more blogs for you soon.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,

Joseph Herrincc

Heart4God Website:    

Parables Blog:    

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

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